St Andrew’s Church Year of Celebration

During 2018 St Andrew’s Church will be celebrating 700 years since the first recorded incumbent was appointed in 1318. There had been a church on the site for many centuries before this but no records exist other than a reference to a church in Eaton in the Doomsday Book. It will also be the 25th Anniversary of the new church extension.
The Parish has put together a programme of celebrations for 2018 with many events throughout the year. The Church has been at the heart of the community for centuries and the celebrations will embrace all residents and groups.
EVRA intend to be part of this celebration and have had discussions with the Church about our involvement. The theme for our Scarecrow Festival could be part of this (“Scary Vicars” was our first thought but we have dismissed this!) and might be something around the theme of “Eaton through the Centuries”.
Another aspect of the celebrations is collecting and documenting a history of Eaton through people’s memories of the Village. If you have any stories or documents or old photos of Eaton Village then EVRA and the Church would be interested in these. You can send these via email to me at  or deliver them to 54 Greenways. I will then pass these on to the Church.
Regards Chris Stebbing – Chairman EVRA
Tel: Nor 503301