Data Protection and the General Data Protection Regulations
On 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into effect and EVRA then reviewed and updated its data privacy processes. A key requirement of the GDPR is that “data subjects” i.e. you, should give consent to EVRA holding any personal data. EVRA then has a responsibility to process that data securely. You should note that the GDPR affects all businesses, organisations, community groups and other bodies and that Compliance is not an option!
EVRA has undertaken a further review of personal data held and from April 2024 made significant changes to remove or reduce such data as set out below. We only hold the minimum amount of personal data required for running EVRA. We do not share your personal data with any third party.
It is a requirement of the Constitution for the Eaton Village Residents’ Association that we maintain a Register of those households, businesses and organisations that have paid their annual subscription. Payment of the Subscription entitles all residents within those households to be a member of EVRA and to vote at the Annual General Meeting. EVRA relies on your Subscriptions to meet its financial obligations such as Insurance cover and the cost of printing this Newsletter and to run and organize its events.
When you send us your subscription the only information that we require from you is the address of your household (house number and road). No other information is held or required to register you as a member of EVRA. The information is held on a password protected spreadsheet that lists for each road in Eaton Village the house number that has paid a subscription. Subscription payments by bank transfer include the name of the payee on EVRA bank statements. Bank statements are held securely by the EVRA Treasurer and online access to the bank account is limited to named officers. The data enables the EVRA Treasurer to keep track of subscriptions paid and compile our accounts in accordance with the terms of our Constitution.
Where Residents offer to help with Newsletter deliveries and/or other EVRA activities they can express their interest by providing contact details on the EVRA Subscription envelope or provide this separately. EVRA will keep a note of the contact details provided by the volunteer to arrange their assistance when required. Any electronic data files will be password protected.
Where EVRA arranges events such as our Scarecrow Festival and Competition we compile a list of residents participating in these. For some events we will ask you to complete a secure online form to provide your details so that we can contact you about the arrangements for these events. The information is only held for the duration of the event and deleted afterwards. For events where a paper application is required this will also be held until completion of the event and then securely destroyed.
You can request a copy of any Personal Data held about you by EVRA and also request that the data is deleted. Please contact EVRA Chairman listed on the About EVRA page of our website at: All About EVRA – Eaton Village Residents’ Association
For more information on the GDPR visit the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) website at:
Revised January 2025