Data Protection and the new General Data Protection Regulations
On 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into effect and EVRA has taken the opportunity to review and update its data privacy processes. You should note that the GDPR affects all businesses, organisations, community groups and other bodies and that Compliance is not an option! Many other organisations that hold any personal data about you should also be going through a similar process to seek your consent to retain this after 25th May.
A key requirement of the GDPR is that “data subjects” i.e. you, should give consent to EVRA holding any personal data. EVRA then has a responsibility to process that data securely.
It is a requirement of the Constitution for the Eaton Village Residents’ Association that we maintain a Register of those households, businesses and organisations that have paid their annual subscription. Payment of the Subscription entitles all residents within those households to be a member of EVRA and to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
EVRA relies on your Subscriptions to meet its financial obligations such as Insurance cover and the cost of printing this Newsletter and to run and organize its events.
When you send us your subscription we enter this into our Register and we also record your name and address and, where provided, any telephone number and email address. This information is used to register you as a member of EVRA. The data also enables the EVRA Treasurer to keep track of subscriptions paid and compile our accounts in accordance with the terms of our Constitution. We only hold the minimum amount of personal data required for running EVRA. We do not share your personal data with any third party. Any electronic data files are password protected.
Under the GDPR we need your consent to hold this data in any form – in hard copy or on a computer – after 25th May 2018. Our Spring 2018 Newsletter included a slip for you to complete and sign and return with your subscription envelope and this would confirm your consent to EVRA holding your personal data in accordance with our Data Protection Policy. You can also print the Newsletter and consent slip from our website and deliver either to the EVRA Postbox next to the cash machine in Waitrose or to 54 Greenways.
Where EVRA arranges other events such as our Garden Competitions and our Scarecrow Festival and Competition we compile a list of residents participating in these. We ask you to provide your name, home address, telephone number and email address so that we can contact you about the arrangements for these events. In future we will ask you to complete an entry form for these events so that you can give your consent for EVRA to hold any personal data that you provide.
You can request a copy of the Personal Data held about you by EVRA and also request that the data is deleted. Please contact EVRA Chairman, Chris Stebbing, by phone on 07798 571914 or by email at:
For more information on the GDPR visit the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) website at:
Version 1 – Created 21 March 2018