Update on Eaton Street Roadworks – Posted 11th September
Our Councillors have met with TfN officers to review how the Eaton Street crossroads is settling down following the completion of the works. Here is their report with some helpful advice for all users.
All Change at Eaton Crossroads With the completion of road works at Eaton Crossroads, Cllrs Caroline Ackroyd and Judith Lubbock have spent time with the Senior Engineer of Traffic Controls to review the new configuration.
Eaton councillors had requested this meeting after observing how drivers were using the new layout.
Cllr Lubbock commented: “It was very useful to have this opportunity as pedestrians, cyclists and drivers using the junction have questions about the changes and we wanted to pass on some helpful information”.
Key information
- Right Hand Turn from Cringleford into Church Lane There are facilities for allowing this RHT even though there is not a filter and it appears that cars are turning on red. All lights stay red to allow right turning vehicles that have gone over the stop line on green to clear the junction when the signals have turned red.
- Signal outside Planet Wok showing red This signal is facing Eaton Hill slip road and is a repeater for the signals there – no vehicles should stop at this signal.
- Pedestrian timings The pedestrian crossings have been designed with additional detection to monitor the speed of pedestrians crossing and will extend the red time to vehicles according to the speed of the pedestrian.
- Keep Clear Sign on Church Lane For the cross roads to function efficiently the ‘keep clear’ sign should be observed at all times to allow access to and from the car park behind the shops.
Eaton Street – Overnight closures for resurfacing works from Monday 13th August
We have received the Project Information Notice below from TfN about the resurfacing works at Eaton Street crossroads starting on Monday 13th August. These will take place overnight from 7pm through to 7am until Friday 31st August.
PE4118 PIN Eaton Village Centre Resurfacing VF
The crossroads will be closed overnight to through traffic but residents will be able to access Church Lane from Eaton Street during the works. However, we understand that access to Eaton Street will only be via Cringleford Bridge during these overnight works. There will be no access via Bluebell Road. This also means that residents will have to leave the area via Cringleford Bridge during these overnight works such as for an evening visit to the City or an early morning appointment. Please note that buses will not call at Eaton Village (or Cringleford) between 7pm and 7am during the period of the resurfacing works.
Clarification was sought from TfN on what the closures mean in practice and they provided the following response:
In effect the road will be fully closed to passing traffic, but access only will be maintained for the those residents who need to access their properties via Church Lane. Residents needing access into Church Lane will only be able to do so from the Cringleford Bridge end. Those residents approaching the junction via Bluebell Road will need to follow the signed diversion route which will be signed along Bluebell Road (Road Ahead Closed), the diversion route will be via:-
· Bluebell Road Slip Road
· A11 Newmarket Road (eastbound)
· Daniels Road Roundabout
· A11 Newmarket Road (westbound)
· Roundhouse Way Roundabout
· A11 Newmarket Road (eastbound)
· A11 Newmarket Road Slip Road
· Colney Lane
· Towards Cringleford Bridge
Access to both pubs and Waitrose will be maintained during the evening road closures. However, there may be some minor inconvenience dependent on exactly where and what works are being carried out at any time over the period of the closures. The staff on site will help with this situation if it arises and if required will escort people through when safe to do so. We are in regular dialog with both the Red Lion and Cellar House pubs along with Waitrose to ensure they are fully aware of our works.
A follow up request for clarification on whether this meant every night until 31st August or just weekdays got the following response from TfN:
As mentioned in the information the road closure will be put in place from 7pm to 7am each day. Starting on the evening of the 13 August 2018, for initially five nights to the 17 August 2018. This closure period will allow the contractors to carry out the milling of the carriageway and resurfacing.
There are other works to be carried out at night too. These works are the road markings and some slot cutting (for the new traffic signal installation). We are looking to get some of these works carried out over the first week of closures. Although there may be unforeseen issues that are out of our control. Which in this event will need to be reviewed and may require further night time road closures to facilitate this work. Which may run into the second week including the weekend if necessary (17 August to 24 August).
Posted by Chris Stebbing 10th August
Update on Slip Road works and slow progress – 7 August
EVRA has received several emails and had many conversations with residents about the low level of activity on the slip road and what appears to be a complete absence of activity at the crossroads. We emailed TfN yesterday about the slow progress of the slip road works and our concerns that these will not be completed on time. TfN have since responded saying they will be meeting with their contractors to discuss this on Wednesday (8th August).
Here is the text of the email sent to Billy Fox the TfN project Engineer for the Eaton works on Monday 6th August 2018:
To: Billy Fox
I have recently had many conversations with residents and had several phone calls and emails expressing concerns about the lack of any meaningful activity and slow progress on Eaton slip road since its closure almost two weeks ago. Residents had expected to see a flurry of activity on the slip road and at the crossroads and a commitment by TfN to reduce the time taken to do these works but instead see very little happening. Here is an example of the sort of email which I received today:
I’ve had over 40 years running contracts, both large and small and never seen anything like this in Eaton Centre. It is most obvious that the contractor is under instruction to take “a long time” to do the works. There is no chance of finishing anywhere near the end of this month, unless there is a radical change in operations. I have seen the works again this morning and that is my considered opinion. Is it worth the effort to contact TFN, they must be aware of the situation, can it be possible that they do not care? Or is it something to do with the source of funding?
I walked up the slip road this morning and there was one small digger operating, a dump truck driver and one other person standing by, who I took to be the banksman. Work has started on the cycle path but it looks like it has been abandoned with material lying all over the place since nothing was going on. It is clear that there is much still to do but at current rate of progress is unlikely to be finished within five weeks! I have attached the photos I took this morning.
At the crossroads there was one operative standing watching the traffic. No work was taking place at the crossroads, which has been the case for some days. However, all the barriers and temporary traffic lights remain in place causing much inconvenience to residents and businesses. It is very much a case of “Minor roadworks but Major disruption”. Having watched the progress (and lack of progress) of works at the crossroads I am surprised that TfN didn’t complete all those works in a single stage and dealt with the slip road as a separate project running in parallel. The crossroad works would have been completed by now and much of the disruption associated with them finished.
We had various email exchanges about getting the work completed quickly so as not to inconvenience residents and affect businesses and EVRA suggested that you put in additional resources to get the work done speedily. My email to you of 17th December and your response from 20th is repeated below.
When Councillors and I met with you in June the timescale for the Eaton Hill slip road closure was 18 days but by October this had risen to 40 days. The original period of closure would have presented significant problems for residents and businesses in Eaton Village but the proposed 40 days is clearly totally unacceptable. Given the track record of Transport for Norwich on other works, such as Bluebell Road and Newmarket Road which both overran by some three weeks, it would be difficult to have any confidence in any timetable for the Eaton Phase 2 works. If the works take place during the winter months then there is an even higher risk of these being delayed by adverse weather especially as these include extensive groundworks alongside the dual carriageway. If you do intend to proceed with these works then we would like to see a plan that includes long-day and weekend working to demonstrate that TfN are really committed to minimising the time to complete the works.
Response from Billy Fox: Again, we are working with our Contractor to consider ways to reduce the timescales / durations of each phase of works to improve efficiency and minimise disruption where possible. However the option and theory of doubling the resource on a particular phase or section of works to
reduce the overall duration does not generally apply, particularly when working along a short length or smaller working area. Often it’s the case that the resource can be increased, but given the nature of the works and the various operations on-site that need to take place (eg material curing times) the presence of more resources onsite will often not decrease the duration of work. Delivering the scheme during the Summer period presents the possibility of longer working days (extended daylight hours) and will reduce the risk of the programme overrunning as a result of any unforeseen adverse weather conditions that are more likely to occur in the Winter months.
So where is the commitment from TfN to get these works done quickly so as not to inconvenience the community? Why have you got only three people working on this site when you should be fielding more? There appears to be plenty of room for more than one team to work in parallel.
I would welcome a quick and meaningful response so that I can update residents on how the works are progressing and what TfN are doing to speed these up.
I would be happy to meet you on site to discuss these matters if that would be helpful.
Update on Eaton Street works during slip road closure – 22nd July
TfN have published a revised Traffic Management Plan for the duration of the slip road works starting on 25th July until 31st August 2018. The Plan confirms the road closures and bus stop arrangements during the works. Here is a copy of the traffic Management Plan: PE4118 Traffic Management Information Plan VF – 18-07-2018
The key thing to note is that all businesses will remain open during the works and access will be maintained for residents for the duration of the works.
There will be revisions to the bus timetables during the works which affect buses from the City heading into Eaton. The existing timetables will still apply but the journey to Eaton could take a little longer for buses diverting via South Park Avenue and Bluebell Road.
The statement from Konect Buses on the service during slip road closure is as follows:
Eaton Slip Road Forthcoming Closure
From 25th July to the end of August (5 weeks). Affecting routes 5A, 50, 50A. Route 5a – Will operate from Notcutts roundabout via Ring Road, South Park Avenue, Bluebell Road, then rejoin normal route at Eaton Village. Route 5a – from Eaton, the bus will take normal route into the city. Route 50 – from Notcutts will operate via Ring Road, South Park Avenue and then through Pettus Road and Norvic Drive in the opposite direction to normal and return to the city via normal route. Route 50a – full length of Newmarket Road to Roundhouse Roundabout, then Colney Lane slip road, normal route around Cringleford and back to the city as normal.
Konect timetable website address is: https://www.konectbus.co.uk/timetables-fares/5a#timetable
The First Bus website provides the following information on services during the slip road closure:
Due to the closure of the slip road from Norwich into Eaton, buses going towards the N&N Hospital will be diverted from 25th July to 31st August.
Pink Line 12 buses towards the N&N Hospital and certain early morning and early evening service 11 buses that normally go through Eaton and Cringleford will divert via South Park Avenue and Bluebell Road between 0700-1900 each day and will still be able to call at Eaton and Cringleford. Service 13C, 14 and 15 journeys that normally call at Eaton and Cringleford will go along the A11 Cringleford by-pass as it is school holidays.
Buses towards Norwich between 0700-1900 each day will be able to follow the normal route and timetable.
There will be temporary stops in Eaton underneath the A11 flyover.
Unfortunately due to the closure of the Eaton crossroads for much of this period between 1900-0700, buses will NOT call at Eaton or Cringleford. Passengers are advised to use alternative stops at Newmarket Road, Elveden Close or the first stop on Round House Way. These overnight closures apply seven days a week in both directions.
This means we cannot provide any buses to Eaton or Cringleford after 1900 each night or before 0700 each morning.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you require any further information please contact our Customer Services Team on 0345 602 0121
First website address is: https://www.firstgroup.com/norfolk-suffolk/plan-journey/timetables/?operator=22&service=12&page=1&redirect=no
Further information on the works can be found on the TfN website at: http://www.norfolk.gov.uk/eatoncringleford
Update on Eaton Street Works Received from TfN pm 26 June
We received an email this afternoon from Transport for Norwich confirming that following our representations to TfN the slip road will now remain open to pedestrians throughout the works as set out as follows:
Pedestrian access up and down the slip road into Eaton will be maintained during the works. Barriers will be used on the existing footway that will reduce the width but an adequate width will be maintained for foot traffic and dismounted cyclists. Mounted cyclists and other users requiring greater width would need to use the signed diversion route using the signalised crossing on Newmarket Road and the alternative slip road. It should be noted that pedestrian access may need to be restricted for some of the works for a short time where heavy plant and machinery will be in use for surfacing – if this is the case, advance notice will be provided and any disruption kept to the absolute minimum.
Another small, successful step, in our dealings with TfN to ensure that disruption to residents and businesses is minimised during the works.
Information Notice on Eaton Street Works – Slip road closure – am 26th June
Transport for Norwich has issued the Information Notice for the planned works on Eaton Street and the slip road which are due to start on Monday 2nd July. The notice has also been delivered to households in the Eaton area. Here are links to the Information Notice, which includes a summary of the works, and the map showing the traffic management arrangements.
PE4118 PIN Eaton Village Centre VF
PE4118 Traffic Management Information Plan VF
EVRA received an advanced copy of the notice on Friday and was surprised to find that the map stated that the slip road (from Newmarket Road to the Cellar House entrance) would be completely closed for the five week duration of the works – including pedestrians and cyclists as well as vehicles (other than residents living on Eaton Hill). We and our Councillors were not aware that this would be a total closure and believe that this is completely unacceptable.
I contacted TfN on Friday and said that a total closure of this section of the slip road was not acceptable and that pedestrians should be able to continue using the footpath during the works. TfN agreed to look at this further. Our councillors are also speaking to senior officers in County Hall to get this decision changed.
Please note that access to the Cellar House via Eaton Street will be maintained throughout the works. It is just the section of the slip road (ie the cycle path) from Newmarket Road to the entrance to the Cellar House which is affected.
TfN view is that total closure is a safety issue. However, when TfN constructed the cycle path along Newmarket Road between Norwich High School and Hanover Road the footpath running alongside the works remained open throughout the works – so it can be done.
TfN say that there are alternative routes for pedestrians and cyclists who can cross Newmarket Road by Poplar Avenue and use the northern slip road into Bluebell Road and into Eaton centre. This means an extra 600 metres for a resident wanting to get to the post office from Newmarket Road just to avoid 200 metres of works!
The Information Notice includes contact details for the person responsible for the works so if you want to add your voice to that of EVRA and your Councillors then please let TfN know your concerns about this closure.
Update on Petition on Closure of Slip Road – 7 June
I attended the NHAC meeting this morning along with James Wright and Judith Lubbock. James Wright presented our petition to the NHAC and also spoke about the background to this. Over 800 people had signed the petition but NHAC did not accept this. In fact they did not mention the petition at all in their response!
NHAC responses to some of the points raised by James were:
£600,000 not just about cycle path works, also includes traffic light changes and resurfacing.
Slip road has to be closure for safety reasons to protect workers.
TfN did consult with residents etc but work has to go ahead
Officers said that costs were discussed and approved by NHAC last July
Works normally completed within time – ( clearly got their heads in the sand on that one!)
We are grateful for all the hard work by our Councillors James Wright and Caroline Ackroyd in pulling together the petition in such a short time. It is annoying that NHAC refuse to consider our genuine conerns about the impact of the works but at least we tried and NHAC and TfN are fully aware of the concerns of residents and businesses.
We share the concerns of local businesses on the possible impact of the closure if people decide to shop elsewhere because Eaton is too difficult to access. Equally, if we are “shut in” by TfN then we have most of the services we need locally and we should support these, more than we already do, during this time.
So come 2nd July works are expected to start with traffic management at the Eaton Street junction (probably temporary traffic signals) while preparatory works take place and full closure of the slip road from 25th July. At some point TfN will issue an Information Notice telling us exactly what will be closed and when and what alternative routes will be available. Maintaining easy vehicle access to the Cellar House for the Post Office is essential for all Eaton and Cringleford residents. EVRA and Councillors will challenge TfN on any unacceptable matters in the Information Notice and on the traffic management arrangements.
Bus services are expected to run as currently during the works but there are bound to be timing issues through using a longer route to access Eaton Village – Southpark Avenue and Bluebell Road.
The works recently started to demolish 2 Church Lane (behind Stephanies) look to be running at the same time as the Eaton Street works and could cause significant problems with contractors vehicles accessing the site. There will also be concerns about where the contractors staff park their vehicles during the works given that the on-road parking bays on Eaton Street will be closed and there is an increasing number of cars parked all day in nearby roads. Residents already experience inconsiderately parked cars on Chestnut Hill and Church Lane.
Chris Stebbing – EVRA Chairman 7th June 2018
Petition on Closure of Slip Road
Residents, businesses and councillors have serious concerns about the impact on our community of the proposed closure of the slip road in July. A group of us gathered opposite the Cellar House on 21st May for a photo by a journalist from the Just Eaton Magazine. We were there to ensure that the media understands our concerns about the closure and the negative impact of this on Eaton Village and surrounding area. We question why the slip road needs to close during these works and why for so long – 5 weeks!
Because of our concerns and with the help of our Councillors we have set up a petition to present to the NHAC ( the committee that approves such works) at its next meeting on 7th June asking for the works to be cancelled, or if not, then keep the slip road open during the works. You can see the petition and sign up for this via the following link: https://SignMe.org.uk/1471
Here is a printable version of the petition which can be signed and returned to 30 Greenways as soon as possible. Why not get your neighbours to sign as well!
EVRA Eaton Street petition form May 2018
I have summarised the history of these works and the money that has been wasted through two postponements caused by poor planning and lack of effective scrutiny which you can read at: Eaton Phase 2 Works Do we really need these 26 May 2018
Chris Stebbing – EVRA Chairman 26 May 2018
Update on Eaton Street Road Works – May 2018
The works are planned to start on Monday 2nd July and we have been informed by Transport for Norwich (TfN) that the Eaton slip road closure will be from Wednesday 25th July for a period of five weeks – most of the school holidays. This is longer than the four weeks previously indicated and getting closer to the six weeks advised last October that led to the works being postponed. Given the track record of TfN in delivering to timetable we fear that this will slip causing greater inconvenience to Eaton residents and businesses.
We have not yet seen the detailed Traffic Notice but with work starting on 2nd July at Eaton Street crossroads there will no doubt be temporary traffic controls in place from that date while the road layout is changed. This will lead to congestion and delays, particularly at school run times.
A suggestion put to TfN was to open up the link between Sunningdale and Greenways to allow one way traffic during the slip road closure but TfN say that this is not suitable so will not be opened. This does then raise the question of its suitability for emergency access which is reason it was created in the first place! If they do not think it wide enough for general traffic then how will an ambulance or a fire engine get through?
We are talking to our Councillors about these works and the timetable for these as we share their concerns about the impact of the works on residents and businesses in Eaton and Cringleford. Please let us know your views which we can pass on to TfN. You can contact EVRA via Chris Stebbing at email evra.vc@live.co.uk or by telephone on 503301.
Bus Services
We pressed TfN to provide information about arrangements for bus services during closure of the slip road and they have now responded. The good news is that the current bus services will run as per timetable but there will be route changes as a consequence of the closure. Only the 50A service to Cringleford will serve stops along Newmarket Road between Daniels Roundabout and Eaton War Memorial. All other services (5A, 50 and 12) will operate via Southpark Avenue and Bluebell Road. We have asked TfN to confirm where the temporary bus stop will be for the First 12 service to the hospital. Here is the text of their email sent to EVRA, Councillors and Cringleford Parish Council:
Subject: FW: Transport for Norwich: Eaton phase 2 – project update
Dear all
Please see details below of how the bus operators intend to operate their services whilst the slip road in Eaton is closed over the summer holidays.
First Buses
Because they will be putting another bus into the system they will continue to serve Eaton and Cringleford every 20 minutes in both directions. There may be slight delays outbound but this will be obvious to people on the bus and they should leave the city on time. They will be serving Eaton and Cringleford via South Park Avenue and Bluebell Rd.
The plan is to operate the 50 on a one way route via South Park Avenue and out via Newmarket Rd. The 50a will operate straight along Newmarket Rd to Roundhouse Roundabout, then via Cringleford village and back on the normal route.
The 5A is a bit more problematic which will operate out of the city via South Park Avenue and Bluebell Rd to Eaton and back normally.
Like First Buses, Konectbus intend to operate the same level of service serving the same locations although obviously not the slip road bus stop.
Simonds serve the area on a Sunday with their 121 service. I believe they will divert along South Park Avenue and Bluebell to serve Eaton and Cringleford as normal but I just need to confirm this today with Simonds and will get back to everyone.
To conclude, the bus companies have advised me that there will naturally be some diversions because of the closed slip road, however, they will continue to keep the same level of service through Eaton and Cringleford village.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Karl Buffin
Travel and Transport Officer for King’s Lynn and the West and Norwich (Local Bus)
Highways and Transport
Community and Environmental Services Department
Norfolk County Council
Tel: (01603) 224352
General enquiries: 0344 800 8020 or information@norfolk.gov.uk
Update on Eaton Street Road Works – February 2018
We have received an Information Notice from Transport for Norwich on the proposed works in Eaton Street. These works have been postponed twice by TfN and the latest plan gives a start date of 2nd July 2018 with an estimated duration of nine weeks. We have also since received from TfN information that the indicative planning assumption is that closure of the slip road to the Cellar House will be four weeks. The Notice says that any closure will be during the school holidays so should be from around the end of July. Diversions will be via the A11 and the Round House roundabout – a journey of an additional two miles!
The Information Notice is being sent by TfN to some 1200 households and businesses in Eaton impacted by the proposed works. This should arrive within the next few days but you can also read the notice here:
PE4118 PIN Eaton Project Update VF
We are asking TfN to confirm the impact on our bus services during these works. With the slip road closed the usual bus routes will not be possible and will impact on the 5A, 50 and 50A Konect services and the First 12 services to the hospital and other evening services that stop at the Cellar House. We will provide updates when we get a response from TfN.
Further information can be found on the TfN website at:
Update on Eaton Street Road Works – December 2017
I sought an update on the proposed works from Transport for Norwich and have attached a copy of the reply to the points I raised with them. The reply is in the form of an annotated response to my original email. This is the latest part of an email exchange which goes back to August this year. You can read the email here:
Email exchange between TfN and EVRA re Eaton Works Phase 2 December 2017
It is clear from the response that TfN intend to go ahead with the works as approved by the NHAC regardless of any comments that EVRA or Residents may have. The greatest concern will be the closure of the slip road from Newmarket Road and the impact of this on our Community. The slip road closure could be around 6 weeks which is a long time for Eaton Village to be effectively cut-off. Other associated works will also cause disruption for an extended period as yet unknown.
Although diversions would be in place these would be via Roundhouse roundabout on the A11 or using Bluebell Road to reach Eaton Village Centre. Either way it will cause considerable inconvenience for residents, particularly those on Newmarket, Unthank and other nearby roads where the shortest route to the businesses is via the slip road. The Roundhouse roundabout diversion would add around two miles to the journey and even longer for a South Park Avenue/Bluebell Road diversion. The impact on businesses could also be significant since it could be easier for people to go elsewhere rather than face the diversions and disruptions that will arise.
TfN say they have spoken to the bus companies about providing an alternative service during the works but we have no knowledge of what sort of service that might be! It is not just the 5A service but also the services for the hospital and for other locations such as Hethersett and Wymondham that people may need to reach for work.
You can email any comments on this matter to Chris Stebbing at evra.vc@live.co.uk. Transport for Norwich will also be interested in hearing your concerns and comments and these can be sent to their email at: norwich.transport@norfolk.gov.uk
Chris Stebbing – Chairman EVRA 21 December 2017
Update on Eaton Street Road Works – October 2017
The works due to start on 23rd October have been postponed yet again until some time in the New Year. The proposed timetable included closure of the slip road from Newmarket Road for a period of 5 weeks and following representations from our Councillors this has been deemed unacceptable. Transport for Norwich (TfN) has agreed to look again at the plan because of its impact on bus and other services to Eaton Village.
This is the second postponement of the Eaton Street scheme. The previous postponement was because estimated costs overran the agreed budget. It is all a bit of a mess and does not instil any confidence in TfN being able to deliver a satisfactory scheme for Eaton Village.
We will provide an update on the works at the EVRA AGM on 18th October at Eaton Golf Club stating at 7:30pm.
Chris Stebbing
Update on Eaton Road Works – July 2017
The updated proposals for Eaton phase 2 have been approved by the Council’s NHAC process today. As a result Transport for Norwich (TfN) will be issuing the project update to all those who were originally consulted as part of the original proposals, with the letters hopefully being sent out tomorrow.
Not sure what the scope of this mailing will be since previously it was limited to properties within the immediate vicinity of the works. EVRA circulated the previous document with the Spring Newsletter. Our Autumn Newsletter is not due to be issued until early September.
The work will start in October and will include closure of the slip road passing in front of the Cellar House for some of this time. Access will be maintained to businesses and other properties. Detailed Traffic Management plans will be drawn up in due course.
The scope of the work is considerably reduced from that originally proposed and will provide benefits for all road users. See letter below for full details of the scheme but changes include:
The widening of the cycle path up Eaton Street to Newmarket Road to facilitate two way usage.
Changes to the phasing of traffic lights to provide a dedicated right turn into Church Lane.
The changes proposed to the re-siting of the Village Sign will not now go ahead. When I met with the TfN a few weeks ago I strongly objected to the use of speed humps outside Barclays Bank on Church Lane. TfN said that these are a requirement of implementing a 20mph Zone and agreed to look at this further including the use of speed limits painted on the road. The plan does not reflect that suggestion.
Let TfN know your views on the scheme as follows:
If you wish to make any comments on the revised proposals, you can do so by emailing norwich.transport@norfolk.gov.uk, telephoning 0344 800 8020 or writing to: Eaton and Cringleford Phase 2, Transport for Norwich – Floor 2, Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH. The deadline for comments is 10am on Friday 18 August.
A copy of the letter and attached plan has been sent to EVRA and can be read here:
FINAL PE4118 Public Project Update Letter VF
PE4118 – Eaton Phase 2 – Project Update Plan_
There will be a report in EDP tomorrow with comments from one of our Councillors:
You can read the papers issued to the NHAC on the City Council website at: https://cmis.norwich.gov.uk/live/Meetingscalendar/tabid/70/ctl/ViewMeetingPublic/mid/397/Meeting/433/Committee/16/SelectedTab/Documents/Default.aspx
Chris Stebbing – 20 July 2017
Update on Bluebell Road Works – July 2017
Transport for Norwich has sent the Project Information Notice below for the cycle path improvement works along Bluebell Road due to start on 24th July 2017 and planned to finish on 13th October.
PE4110 Bluebell Road TfN PIN V1
The works to be undertaken are:
• Widening of the shared pedestrian/cycle path which runs along the west side (UEA side) of Bluebell Road between South Park Avenue and the slip road between Bluebell Road and Newmarket Road.
• Widening of the shared pedestrian/cycle path which runs along the slip road between Bluebell Road and Newmarket Road.
• Construction of a new tiger crossing (for both pedestrians and cyclists) to the north of the slip road between Bluebell Road and Newmarket Road.
Local cyclists will know that the current cycle path is narrow and the surface is very poor giving an uncomfortable ride from Eaton Village through to Southpark Avenue. The path is also quite narrow in places giving little room for cyclists to pass pedestrians and other cyclists. The section beyond this was resurfaced some years back and has a smooth surface.
Be aware that cyclists will have to use Bluebell Road carriageway during these works since the cycle path will be closed. There will be temporary traffic lights in place along Bluebell Road at various times during the works.
The Roadworks.org website will provide further detail on the works and traffic management arrangements put in place along the route.
Update on Eaton Street and Cringleford Road works – May 2017
Transport for Norwich has sent an updated Project Information Notice on the works proposed for Eaton and Cringleford. The works planned for Cringleford to install traffic lights on the bridge and new pedestrian crossings on Newmarket Road will go ahead starting in w/c 22 May through to late August. The Eaton Street cycle path works have been postponed while the project looks again at the scope of the scheme.
The Roadworks.org website provides further detail on the works at each location along Eaton Street and through to Cringelford. To access the detail you need to enter your postcode to bring up the map for your area, select dates – works start on 22 May so use this as the start date and an end date of your choice. This will bring up a map of the area with roadwork signs. Click on the signs to display the detail of the works in that particular location.
It looks like there will be many weeks of disruption on various dates along Eaton Street approaching the bridge and Newmarket Road in Cringleford. The junction with Colney Lane will have restricted access between 24 July and 19 August so, but it is not clear from the Information Notice whether returning from the Doctors/vets on Cantley Lane in Cringleford will be via Roundhouse roundabout and then back via the Eaton/Cringleford slip road into Colney Lane or via the Daniels Road roundabout! Buses will also be affected during these works.
The map attached to the PIN sets out the proposed closures and dates. You can read the PIN here:
Eaton and Cringleford – Public Information Notice May 2017
There is also a report in the EDP today on these works:
Our Local Councillors and EVRA have urged Transport for Norwich to meet with us to discuss the Eaton scheme and they have now offered to do this but not until after the General Election on 8th June. We will keep you updated via our website and Facebook page.
Posted by Chris Stebbing – 11 May 2017
Email Exchange with Transport for Norwich re Newmarket Road Cycle Path
Since February I have had an exchange of emails with the Project Engineer responsible for the Newmarket Road cycle path works about signage. This initially arose because of a near-miss involving a family member and the need for clarification about priorities on the new path.
EVRA has received several emails from residents about the new priorities and how these affect access to and from side roads. The emails might not give you any comfort but they set out the situation from the Transport for Norwich perspective.
Transport for Norwich do not intend to conduct a further Safety Review on the works until next year.
You can read the text of the emails here: Email exchange with NCC re Newmarket rd cycle path and signage 2017
If you any have queries on the scheme you can get in touch with Transport for Norwich through their email at: Norwich.transport@norfolk.gov.uk or calling 0344 800 8020.
Both EVRA and Local Councillors will continue to be interested in your experiences with these works so that we can feed these back to the Council’s Project Team. EVRA would appreciate you copying any emails to evra.vc@live.co.uk so that we can build an overall picture of the concerns and experiences of residents with these works.
Chris Stebbing -EVRA Chairman 30 April 2017
Latest News on Eaton Street Roadworks – Wednesday 22nd March 2017
The works to construct a shared cycle path along Eaton Street were due to start on 3rd April but have been postponed while the Council’s Project Team and their Contractors sort out details about final costs. It is not clear when the work will start nor the scope of the final works. EVRA has offered to help the team with their thinking about what elements should proceed but we have no further information at this stage. EVRA had agreed with the Project Team to distribute the Public Information Notice to all EVRA residents setting out details of the works and arrangements for traffic management. The following Information Notice has been provided instead and will be delivered to all households along with our Spring Newsletter.
Information Notice on Eaton roadworks March 2017
Posted by Chris Stebbing – 22/03/2017
Eaton Village Sign – Area to be landscaped during cyclepath works
The Council has provided plans for landscaping the area around the Eaton Village sign during the coming roadworks on Eaton Street. Our Village sign will be removed during the roadworks and then reinstated in a slightly different position. We have been assured that the sign will be securely looked after during these works and put back as soon as possible afterwards.
The Council has provided the following information about the proposed changes for the area around the Village sign:
It is proposed that the area currently occupied by grass is formalised as a planting bed. They are still working on the details but consider the low level wall should be constructed in brick with cobble facing to suit the traditional details and materials in the area. They will be working with existing ground levels when surfacing the paving area, due to these levels the design will require some steps in the wall, resulting in three split levels and separate areas.
The attached plan includes a bench set back into the raised area, facing towards No 18 Eaton Street. The relocated sign is within the middle of the three areas, located approx. 3.5m north east of its current location. The planting within the bed would need to be low maintenance, low level planting, and not obscure the sign in any way. Due to the location it is not proposed to plant any trees in this area.
Here is the proposed plan of the area:
The Council has asked if EVRA would be prepared to look after the landscaped area. This would mean maintaining the planted areas and keeping these tidy. EVRA already has an agreement with the City Council to look after aspects of Donkey Lane and our Friends of Donkey Lane Group have said they would be prepared to also look after the area around the Village Sign. If you are interested in helping with this then please contact Rosemary Benson on Norwich 452185 or by email to: rosesunny@live.co.uk
We have suggested to the Council that the bench be sited on the landscaped area facing the junction rather than the Stephanies building (18 Eaton Street). The Planning Application to create a takeaway is still waiting approval and turning the bench around would provide a more attractive view of the village.
Posted by Chris Stebbing – 13/03/17
Newmarket Road Cycleway Improvements – Response from Project Team on Cyclist and Pedestrian Priorities
I queried with the Council’s Project Team how the new the priorities for cyclists and pedestrians would be signalled on the shared cycle path along Newmarket Road. This follows a recent “near miss” of a family member with a car turning into one of the side roads when walking along the footpath. Here is the text of their reply on 23rd February.
I am writing to you with reference to your e-mail dated 22 February 2017 to my colleague, Billy Fox, regarding the above scheme which is currently being constructed.
It is proposed to install ‘Think Road Safety’ signs with the words ‘Caution: Cyclists priority at side road’ on Newmarket Road on the east and west approaches to the side road junctions to provide warning to motorists that cyclists/pedestrians will now have priority. Additional ‘Think Road Safety’ signs will also be installed along the cycleway to raise awareness of speed with cyclists on the approaches to the side road junctions.
As you mentioned; give way lines and triangles have been applied behind the newly constructed cycleway at the junctions with Claremont Road and Camberley Road to indicate that vehicles must now give way to cyclists using the facility. It is also proposed for additional sub-plates to be installed beneath the existing triangular cycle warning signs on the approaches to Branksome Road, Claremont Road and Camberley Road which state ‘cycles crossing’.
It is proposed that the additional traffic signs will be installed within a few weeks. As works are currently ongoing along this length of Newmarket Road and appropriate road markings have been installed at the junctions of Claremont Road and Camberley Road it was decided that it is appropriate for these junctions to be reopened.
As part of the design process these proposals have been subjected to a comprehensive road safety audit. The safety audit team has also recently visited site while construction is taking place and have not identified any issues with the works. A full post construction safety audit will also be conducted when the works have been completed to ensure that the scheme has been constructed appropriately and is operating in a safe manner.
Yours sincerely
Nick Woodruff BSc (Hons) IEng MCIHT
Project Engineer
Posted by Chris Stebbing on 6 March 2017
Update – Cycle Path Works to start on 4th January 2017
The Council has provided a summary of the works due to start on 4th January to upgrade the cycle path on Newmarket Road between Daniels Road and Eaton Street. This is the first phase of works to upgrade the peddleway from Norwich which will eventually go through to Wymondham. In April 2017 work will start on the next section along Eaton Street to Cringleford which is due to end in July.
The summary includes details of road closures and traffic management arrangements to be put in place during the works which are scheduled to finish in early April 2017. The Notice has been sent to households adjacent to the works and is posted here for information for all residents of Eaton Village.
Clearly there will be some disruption to traffic flows and bus services during the works which will affect Eaton Village. The footpath along the south side of Newmarket Road will be closed in 200m sections as the work proceeds. Temporary crossings will be put in place to enable pedestrians and cyclist using the south side of Newmarket Road to cross to the opposite footpath for the length of each section of works.
More detail on the closures can be found in the following Notice issued by the Council: pe4120_pin_newmarket_road_final
The Council have set up a website for the overall project of works between Daniels Road and Cringleford with links to official documents: https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/major-projects-and-improvement-plans/norwich/city-centre-improvements/improvement-projects/future/eaton-and-cringleford
This is one of many roadworks schemes taking place around the City. A report in today’s EDP highlights what will be occurring: http://www.edp24.co.uk/motoring/norwich_roadworks_to_resume_after_christmas_break_1_4833274
Update Following NHAC Meeting on 24th November 2016
There was a report in Friday’s EDP on the Norwich Highways Agency Committee (NHAC) meeting held on 24th November at City Hall. The proposed scheme for Eaton and Cringleford was approved. Eaton Councillor, Judith Lubbock, supported residents in their opposition to the proposed shared cycle path along Eaton Street running in front of the Red Lion and shops and the Cellar House. Some 60 respondents to the consultation had opposed the shared cycle path in their comments on the scheme. Council officers said there was no room for a segregated cycle path in this area and a shared path was the only solution. Judith suggested that this part of the scheme be dropped but the NHAC decided that the scheme should be fully implemented as proposed. The one element removed from the scheme was the proposal to create four public parking spaces on Church Lane outside Waitrose. Council officers had already proposed removing this after agreeing to retain five public parking spaces outside the old post office.
A further scheme to upgrade the existing cycle path from Daniels Road to Eaton Street was also approved.
The EVRA Chairman and Vice Chairman attended the NHAC meeting.
Here is a link to the EDP report: http://www.edp24.co.uk/…/norwich_drivers_facing_prospect_of…
Update from Consultation
The Norwich Highways Agency Committee (NHAC) are due to discuss the Transport for Norwich – Eaton and Cringleford area scheme at their meeting on Thursday 24th November at City Hall. The scheme is one of ten schemes to be considered at the meeting. The papers for the meeting seek approval from the NHAC to implement the scheme. Some of the original proposals will not be proceeded with but much of the scheme is recommended for approval. The papers include a summary of responses to the consultation and the project team’s commentary on these. Several EVRA Committee members will attend the meeting to hear the debate.
Here is a link to the Agenda for the meeting which includes a link to the background papers. The Eaton and Cringleford Scheme is item 7 on the Agenda. https://cmis.norwich.gov.uk/live/Meetingscalendar/tabid/70/ctl/ViewMeetingPublic/mid/397/Meeting/284/Committee/16/SelectedTab/Documents/Default.aspx
Here is a PDF of the background papers which may be quicker to access than that on the Council website. transport-for-norwich-eaton-and-cringleford-area
Update from AGM Discussion on Thursday 20th October 2016
We had a very lively and interesting session on the proposed road layout changes for Eaton and Cringleford. Thank you to everyone who attended and for your active participation.
Some of the main points raised by attendees were as follows:
Local businesses had not received copies of the consultation letter sent out by the project team. Some 2500 letters had been sent to residents in Eaton Village and Cringleford but it appeared that households in Poplar Avenue and the Sunningdale area had not been included.
Local businesses have since met to discuss the changes and are not happy with the proposals which would remove all current public parking spaces on Eaton Street and adversely affect local businesses.
The Council’s project team said they had since submitted alternative proposals for four public parking bays on Church Lane outside Waitrose. These would be communicated via notices attached to nearby street signs. The attendees were concerned about the impact on traffic flows, particularly at peak times.
Following the AGM the transport team has sent an email proposing to retain just the five public parking bays outside the old Eaton post office. Here is the text of that email sent to Councillors:
Following last night’s meeting it is clear that the removal of on street parking was a very emotive subject for those present, which tallies up with the consultation responses received so far. As a result we have had an in depth discussion of the issues with the traffic safety team this morning and have come up with an altered proposal which would allow us to keep the larger 5 space parking bays near the old post office site, while confirming that the spaces outside the hairdressers will need to be removed. The down side to the new layout is we will need to move the bus stop further towards the cross roads to prevent a conflict at the parking bays and we would be extending the existing footway both into the carriageway and into the highway verge, so costs will be increased and the CLoS (cycling level of service) score will increase less, though would still be an overall improvement.
From the feedback it is clear that there are some very positive views of the scheme as a whole and it would be such a shame if the scheme cannot go ahead based upon objections to on street parking removal.
The new proposals will be included in the NHAC report. If anyone would like any clarifications or further details at this point then please contact me using the details given below.
Andrew Wadsworth BSc (Hons) EngTech MCIHT
Engineer (Highway Projects 3)
Community and Environmental Services
Direct dial telephone number: 01603 223986
E-mail: andrew.wadsworth@norfolk.gov.uk
General enquiries: 0344 800 8020 or information@norfolk.gov.uk
Website: www.norfolk.gov.uk
Our Councillors sent an initial response to the project team asking that those bays should allow parking for up to 2 hours.
There was considerable concern about the proposed shared cycle path running in front of the Red Lion and up Eaton Street to Newmarket Road. The path would be widened but would have two way cycle traffic and pedestrians sharing the same area. The front doors of the Red Lion and other businesses open directly on to the proposed cycle/footpath. The impact of this arrangement particularly around the bus stop outside the Cellar House was seen as highly dangerous. Cyclists coming down Eaton Street from Newmarket Road tend to be traveling at speed which presents a risk to pedestrians and cyclist traveling in the opposite direction.
The impact on residents during the construction phase was highlighted and recent temporary lights at the Church Lane/Eaton Street junction had caused significant delays within the village. The poor track record of the Council on similar projects in other areas of the City was of concern since this junction is the only entrance/exit for the majority of residents and buses and delivery vehicles.
The installation of speed cushions (road humps) at junctions and on the carriageway were not favoured by residents because of the risk of suspension damage to vehicles and the noise generated by these.
There were any other points raised not least about the cost and whether this was good value for money given the number of cyclists currently using the route. Elements of the proposed scheme were seen as beneficial to the area such as additional zebra crossings but the siting of these might not be optimal.
The key message for Residents is to take part in the consultation and respond to the Council’s project team with their concerns and comments on the proposals.
I have noted that the proposed Traffic Orders and Notices for Eaton about crossings etc have a cut off date of 1st November which seems at odds with the consultation. I will raise this with the project team.
Chris Stebbing
How to comment
The project office would like your comments to can check whether they have got the proposals right.
There are a number of ways to send your comments, either by emailing norwich.transport@norfolk.gov.uk, telephoning 0344 800 8020 or by writing to:
Eaton and Cringleford PTPW
Transport for Norwich – Floor 6
Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane
Norwich, NR1 2DH
The deadline for comments is 10am on Friday 4 November. We will carefully consider all the comments and report to the Norwich Highways Agency Committee at City Hall on Thursday 24 November 2016. The committee will then decide how and whether to proceed with the scheme.
October 2016 Update – Eaton / Cringleford – Push the Pedalways – Highway Improvement Project
Following approval at the September meeting of Norwich Highways Agency Committee (NHAC) the project office has informed EVRA that consultation letters regarding the scheme will be sent out on 5th October.
The proposals set out within the Preliminary Consultation Plan (attached) will be on display in full size at Waitrose in Eaton, the Willow Centre and the church hall in Cringleford from Friday 7th October.
Members of the project team will also attend the EVRA AGM at 7:30pm on Thursday 20 October at Eaton Golf Club to answer any questions from residents. Copies of the plans will also be on display.
The proposals are also be available online together with guidance on how to submit your comments at: www.norfolk.gov.uk/eatoncringleford
You can read a copy of the consultation letter and accompanied plans through the following links:
How to comment
The project office would like your comments to can check whether they have got the proposals right.
There are a number of ways to send your comments, either by emailing norwich.transport@norfolk.gov.uk, telephoning 0344 800 8020 or by writing to:
Eaton and Cringleford PTPW
Transport for Norwich – Floor 6
Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane
Norwich, NR1 2DH
The deadline for comments is 10am on Friday 4 November. We will carefully consider all the comments and report to the Norwich Highways Agency Committee at City Hall on Thursday 24 November 2016. The committee will then decide how and whether to proceed with the scheme.
August 2016 Update – EVRA Chairman and Vice Chairman along with representatives of Cringleford Parish Council, The Yare Society, Waitrose, bus companies and other local organisations, attended the Working Group forum hosted by representatives from the City and County Council’s Project Delivery team which was held on 1st July at the Red Lion in Eaton. The forum presented the outline plans for the Eaton and Cringleford Transport Project and attendees were able to discuss and question all aspects of the initial design. Feedback from all those who attended has been used to inform the ongoing design work and EVRA has now received a copy of the Preliminary Plans along with a copy of the Questions raised and the Feedback Report.
Each point raised at the meeting has been investigated and considered by the Project Delivery team and summarised in the Working Group Questions and Feedback Report. This provides a summary of responses and a general overview of how the scheme is progressing to date. Further documents received are the Preliminary Layout Plan and the Tracks Plan which shows the space needed for buses and other large vehicles to negotiate junctions.
The Project Delivery team are working towards a public consultation on the proposals starting in late September. We will post a message on our website and Facebook pages when this has started.
PE4118 Working Group Questions and Feedback Report
PE4118-TS-001-2-3 – Prelim Layout Plan – DRAFT – 27-06-2016
PE4118-TS-100 TRACKS 12m SD Bus 034
We have invited the Project Delivery Team to attend the EVRA AGM on 20 October at Eaton Golf Club and they have confirmed that they will be there to answer any questions on the scheme.
July 2016 Update – EVRA along with representatives from Cringleford Parish Council, local Councillors, First Buses, Waitrose and other stakeholders were invited to see the draft designs for the proposed changes to roads around Eaton and Cringleford to deliver the New Transport Project.
Transport for Norwich (formerly known as NATS) is looking at future delivery of improvements in order to develop sustainable transport, reduce congestion and improve quality within the Greater Norwich Area, which all forms part of the Norwich Area Transportation Strategy Implementation Plan. The key features of the plan include some of the following improvements; bus rapid transport (BRT) network; a core bus network; integrated ticketing and information; a package of cycling and walking improvements; specific rail service improvements; “Smarter Choices” initiatives, like travel planning; major road network; and the Northern Distributor Road (NDR).
As part of this large project, the team are currently looking at improvements to Eaton and Cringleford. Some of the objectives which they are looking at are as follows, reduce speeds to 20mph; alleviate congestion at Cringleford Bridge; Improve the crossroads in the centre of Eaton; Make it easier for both pedestrians and cyclists to negotiate traffic; and create a bus rapid transit interchange in Eaton with additional features. The new Toucan crossing on Newmarket Road is part of this project and has been completed.
The draft designs include traffic lights on Cringleford Bridge and the widening of the footpath on Eaton Street to enable the creation of a cycle path running in front of the Red Lion and on towards Eaton Hill linking to the cycle path on Newmarket Road. Attendees had many comments on the drafts and how the changes may work in practice. Phasing of traffic lights to allow a right turn into Church Lane was a key concern along with these being linked into the timing of the new bridge lights to prevent congestion along Eaton Street. The timing of traffic lights at the bridge and Church lane need to allow for cyclists having to pull away uphill from a standing start and get across the junction. We didn’t think that the narrowing of Eaton Street to a single lane at the traffic lights would aid traffic flows even with a change to the phasing of the lights. Enabling pedestrians to safely cross the A11 slip road off Bluebell Road was also a concern which needed to be addressed. We also asked that the traffic management for the new development on the Bartram Mowers site is coordinated with the Project Team since this is currently being dealt with separately.
The team are working towards to have a further draft for discussion in the Autumn with an expectation that this will be finalised ready for work to start in March 2017. We invited the team to attend the EVRA AGM in October to talk about their plans and explain their proposals in more detail.
February 2016 Update – The City Council provided the following progress report on the Project.
We undertook a successful Commonplace consultation in November. Almost 600 comments were tagged to the project area, which can be viewed here:
Eaton and Cringleford Transport project – Commonplace consultation report
We have studied all of them and produced a consultation report, which is attached.
This has been supplied to the project manager, to inform the work of the design team. The project manager is Billy Fox, who works at County Hall. He can be contacted on 222987 or billy.fox@norfolk.gov.uk.
The design team are about to start work. They aim to produce a design proposal for public consultation in late summer / early autumn. We intend to set up a local working group of councillors, business representatives, the Eaton Village Residents Association and Cringleford Parish Council to help us shape the design proposals. Either myself or a colleague will be in touch again soon with further details.
We will also send an update to members of the public who responded to Commonplace and supplied their contact details.
The planned toucan crossing over Newmarket Road near Poplar Avenue was approved at the Norwich Highways Agency Committee on 21 January and construction is due to start on 14 March. The project manager for that project is Nick Woodruff. He can be contacted on 638085 or nick.woodruff@norfolk.gov.uk.
September 2015 Update – The consultation on the new Transport Project for Eaton and Cringleford has now started and you have until Monday 16th November 2015 to take part in this. You can access the consultation online at: https://eatonandcringleford.commonplace.is/
If you prefer a paper copy of the consultation you can pick one up at Eaton Post Office, Waitrose and the Willow Centre in Cringleford.
The report below on our meeting with the City Council might help with your responses.
What the project is about
In August EVRA were invited to participate in a pre-consultation meeting with the City Council and South Norfolk District Council on the proposed new transport project for the area. Representatives from Cringleford Parish Council also attended.
Here is a summary of the project as provided by the City Council:
Norwich City, Norfolk County and South Norfolk Councils are working together on a transport project in the centre of Eaton and Cringleford. It forms part of the Push the Pedalways and Bus Rapid Transit programmes that contribute to the implementation of the Norwich Area Transport Strategy. The project is intended to make it easier for people to move around on bikes, buses and foot. Before the councils draw up any plans they want to understand the experiences of local people who use these streets in their daily lives. They will be gathering views from mid-October until mid-November. Keep an eye out for links to the consultation information on the EVRA website and at www.norwich.gov.uk/pedalways. Letters will be sent by the council to people living near the centre of Eaton and surveys will be available to collect from local businesses.
The date for the formal consultation will be announced in due course but we took the opportunity to comment on some of the issues that could be addressed to improve cycling and walking in the area. Many of these relate to the management of other traffic to provide benefits for all users.
We understand that it is intended to install a Toucan crossing on Newmarket Road near to the Unthank Road junction where the current pedestrian refuge is sited. This work should go ahead in the not too distant future – but no dates yet!
Here are some of the points raised with the Council. These and many other issues were marked on a map of the area and will feed into the consultation.
- We pointed out that re-phasing of the traffic lights at Eaton Street to provide a dedicated right turn in to Church Lane would be of great benefit.
- Re-siting of the traffic stop line at the Bluebell Road junction would make it easier for all traffic to negotiate the junction and prevent the safety barriers being regularly damaged.
- The problem of traffic queues on Cringleford Bridge at peak times heading towards Eaton was discussed but no easy solution arrived at. This holds up cyclists and a bus rapid transit system would not be able to deliver a good service at peak times unless this is resolved.
- The relocation of the Post Office into the Cellar House is an opportunity to look at the siting of parking spaces on Eaton Street and how these affect traffic flows.
- The re-siting of the 30mph Speed Limit signs to the end of the Cringleford bypass and before the top of the slip road on the A11 would make joining the Newmarket Road easier and also slow the traffic well before the new Toucan crossing.
- Various issues were raised affecting pedestrians crossing the road near Cringleford Church and for cyclists turning into Colney Lane.
- The surface of the cycle path along much of Bluebell Road is very poor and bumpy. Improvements here would make the journey safer.
- Access to pick up the cycle path from Eaton Street onto Newmarket Road south side is not easy. Traffic coming down the slip road creates a hazard for cyclists headed in the opposite direction.
- There is a need for a safe pedestrian crossing point on the slip road from Bluebell Road onto the A11. The junction is to wide to see traffic turning from Bluebell Road.