CSSG Development


This page provides the information made available to the EVRA about the development of the Civil Service Sports Ground (CSSG). We will add new items as soon as they become available. The page includes a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section where we will provide answers to matters raised with Persimmon Homes. The initial FAQs are based on the questions raised at the open meeting on 26 July and the responses of Persimmon. A PDF of the development site plans is also attached as well as sections of the landscaping plan. Please contact EVRA using the “send us a message” box on the right of this page regarding any further questions and we will endeavour to get answers and add these to the FAQs.

New! Link to Planning Application covering variation to trees and drainage at Wentworth Gardens – Considered at Norwich City Council Planning Committee on 8 November 2012

Revisions to Planning Application for trees and drainage at WentworthGardens November 2012

New! Report to EVRA 2012 AGM from Persimmon Homes

Wentworth Gardens Update from Persimmon Homes for EVRA AGM October 2012

Maintenance and long term ownership of trees on CSSG Site – Posted 16 May 2012

We are aware that residents in Wentworth Green, Greenways and Carnoustie have raised concerns with Persimmon Homes and Local Councillors regarding the management of the trees bordering the Civil Service Sports Ground (CSSG) site. Persimmon Homes are in discussion with the City Council tree officer to agree the tree management plan and to determine the long term ownership of the trees ie after 5 years. Copies of the correspondence between Councillor Lubbock and Persimmon Homes is included below. Any questions about the trees and their management should be addressed initially to Martin Davidson, Land Director at Persimmon Homes.

Email: martin.davidson@persimmonhomes.com


 Persimmon Homes Email to Councillor Lubbock

14 May 2012

Dear Councillor Lubbock,

Thank you for your mail of 26th April.

Progress on this important matter has been much slower than envisaged and Mr Volp’s comments are somewhat surprising.

We had endeavoured to resolve this matter submitting details as we perceived as necessary in a “discharge of planning condition” application in October 2011. The case officer, Rob Parkinson consulted with colleagues including Mr Volp providing a request for further information to be submitted, this equally questioned the appropriateness of documents albeit these were submitted and approved at the detailed application stage. As a result however of this correspondence we withdrew these landscape proposals from the submitted discharge application in February 2012 to enable further discussions to be held. Mr Volp was then absent from work for an extended period. My colleague Ben Bird and our landscape consultant finally met with Mr Volp last week in conjunction with which a new discharge of condition application was submitted on Thursday of last week. This should hopefully go on line shortly and will enable residents to see what is proposed and what is ultimately approved.

Whilst my colleague Ben Bird is holding the direct dialogue with Mr Volp I should be grateful if you would continue to direct your enquiries through me such that I can hopefully ensure all matters are addressed.

Many thanks

Martin Davidson


Councillor Lubbock’s Email to Persimmon Homes

26 April 2012

Dear Martin Davidson

Tree Management – Wentworth Gardens

I have received concerns from Wentworth Green and Carnoustie Residents that there has still been no management of the trees along the tree belts.

I have contacted Mike Volp who has responded as below.

‘I have not received any communication from the developer about this, let alone a treework application [which is mandatory]. Persimmon usually contact me directly to discuss treeworks before applying but I have heard nothing from them or their arboricultural contractor since the initial tree protection works & tree removals at the first phase of the development. Any application for works will be given due consideration and determined accordingly.’

Please could you advise me whether there is a problem or perhaps I could contact Ben Bird direct to try and get some response for the local residents.

I do understand that this is a complex issue and even today Mike Volp is speaking with the planning officer to try and determine the long term ownership of the woodland ie after 5 years.

Thank you for your time and a contact number or email for Ben Bird would be helpful.

With thanks

Judith Lubbock


Packed Meeting at Waitrose on 26 July to hear the development plans for the Civil Service Sports Ground

Martin Davidson, Land Director, of Persimmon Homes outlined the plans for the development phase of the Civil Service Sports Ground where building work commences in mid-September this year. Persimmon now owns all of the land and has all permissions in place for the work to start. Final approvals on types of bricks and tiles are being cleared with the City Council. Tendering for contractors to undertake groundworks and construct roads is underway.

The CSSG site is around 10 acres of which 6 acres will be housing and 4 acres to remain as open space and play areas for community use. 78 dwellings will be built with 55 for sale and 23 allocated as affordable housing to be managed by a housing association. Some of the affordable housing will be for sale on a shared ownership basis and others available to rent. It was said that people with a strong tie to the local area would get priority for these. Around 45 of the properties will have sustainable features such as solar panels to generate electricity and hot water.

The Civil Service Club buildings have already been demolished and crushed. Work will start on site shortly to dig up and crush the foundations from the old buildings for re-use as hardcore. Construction work will start in mid-September with working hours of 7:30am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday and 7:30am to 1:00pm on Saturdays. No working on Bank Holidays and Sundays. The main site access will be via Brentwood with the site compound and storage areas located just within the perimeter. Some materials will be brought in through Wentworth Green during construction of the houses to the North of the site. Indications so far are that foundations will be of standard strip design but if ground faults are found piling work may be required to fill any cavities. This will generate extra noise but Persimmon will endeavour to give residents warning of this.

Construction on the site may take up to three years to complete depending on number of sales and how quickly these are taken up. Construction will start near the Donkey lane/Wentworth Green boundary and the sales show-house will be in this area. The site will be marketed under the Charles Church brand.

At the meeting Residents raised a number of issues and concerns such as: traffic access and movements during construction, Contractor parking, Sunningdale/Newmarket Road Junction traffic, impact on existing utility services, retention of trees, safety on Donkey Lane footpath where this meets Wentworth Green, dealing with surface water drainage, parking for the new properties, and naming of new roads.

When these are available we will include contact numbers for the Persimmon site for any questions or issues that arise needing a quick response.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will construction work start? – The main site work will start in mid-September although crushing of material from existing foundations for use as hardcore will start beforehand.

How long will construction work take? – It is envisaged that this will take around 2½ years depending on speed of sales.

What are the working hours on site? – Working hours will be 7:30am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday and 7:30am to 1:00pm on Saturdays. No working on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

How will the site be accessed? – The main site access will be from Brentwood and the site compound will be located near this entrance. Some traffic will also access the site from Wentworth Green but this will be limited and mainly to bring supplies such as trusses for houses being built that side of the site. The sales office will also be accessed from Wentworth Green.

How many houses are being built? – Planning permission is for 78 dwellings with 55 for sale and 23 affordable homes. The bungalows will be standard construction – not mobility standard.

Will parking be provided for site workers? – Parking will be provided on site for workers and lorries. The early start time is to enable goods lorries to get on to site on arrival without the need to wait in nearby roads.

What changes will be made to the Sunningdale/Newmarket Road Junction to deal with the extra traffic? – The only requirement on Persimmon Homes is to undertake white-lining to facilitate two lanes emerging from Sunningdale onto Newmarket Road and paint “keep clear” markings at the junction.

What will happen to the existing trees on the sports ground? – The belts of trees bordering the site will be retained with some thinning, replacement and other maintenance as agreed with the Council’s tree officer.

Will the current utility services be able to cope with the increased number of properties? –Persimmon has not been required to provide a sub-station so assume that current electric supplies are sufficient.  Do not expect any capacity issues with other utility services.

What arrangements will be in place to deal with excess rainfall? – Water drainage will be managed through a holding tank to capture excess water and release this when levels subside.

What arrangements will be in place to ensure safety of pedestrians using Donkey Lane (particularly for children going to and from school)? – It is not expected that safety will be an issue along Donkey Lane. A raised table will be provided at Wentworth Green/ Donkey Lane to slow traffic.

What parking arrangements are being provided for the new properties? – Most properties will have at least two parking spaces with communal parking areas provided for the flats.

Will there be parking near the two play areas for younger and older children? – No parking to be provided. It is expected that people will walk to these areas.

What is the height of the buildings and how might this impact on existing houses? – The properties nearest to the Brentwood boundary will be bungalows with houses behind.

How will the new roads be named? – Naming of roads will be decided between the City Council, Royal Mail and Residents. A marketing name for the development has yet to be decided.  Properties will be marketed under the Charles Church brand and the show-house will be located near the Wentworth Green entrance.

Is there a preferred provider in mind to manage the Affordable and Social housing? – Persimmon is pursuing this but it has not yet been decided who will manage these.

Who can Residents contact if there is a problem or issue with the site? – There will be designated site manager who will deal with such issues. A contact number will be made available when the site is set up and work starts.

Traffic levels, particularly during school run times, already cause jams and delays on Greenways and at Eaton Street traffic lights. What measures will be taken to ensure that the additional construction traffic does not further impact on this? – The provision of on-site parking plus the early start time should remove the need for construction traffic to park in surrounding roads or wait outside the compound to deliver supplies. Further discussions with the school are proposed.

cssg development site plan