The latest advice, news and information from Norfolk police can be read on their website at:
This includes advice on the Coronavirus lockdown and what this means to you.
Select the Communities tab from the drop-down menu headed “Any” to see the latest newsletter from our Police.
Update 9 February 2020:
Norfolk Constabulary has initiated a survey on how people interact with them and their preferences. See the website for information about this and how to get involved:
Here is a link to the Norwich South Policing website where you will find useful information about policing in our neighbourhood and links to the local Crime Map:
Update December 2018:
At a recent Community Lunch we met our new Police Community Engagement Officer covering Eaton – PC Emma Welch – and were provided with updated contact details for Emma and the other Police Officers in the Norwich South Safer Neighbourhood Team as follows: Eaton Policing Team
Emma has sent the latest Policing Newsletter for the Norwich South Area for November 2018 and will send these to EVRA each month. The Newsletter covers the whole area but the Crime Maps on the website allow you to look at reported crimes for your local area. You can read these at:
Monthly newsletters for the Norwich South area can be read here:
Norwich South Police Newsletter for November 2018
Norwich South Policing Newsletter February 2018
Norwich South Policing Newsletter for Eaton January 2018
Norwich South Policing Newsletter for Eaton November 2017
Norwich South Policing Newsletter for Eaton September 2017
Norwich South Policing Newsletter for Eaton August 2017
Norwich South Policing Newsletter for Eaton May 2017
Norwich South Policing Newsletter for Eaton – April 2017
Norwich South Policing Newsletter March 2017
Norwich South Policing Newsletter Feb 2017
Norwich South Policing Newsletter Jan 2017
Speeding in Eaton Village
The EVRA Committee are regularly contacted by residents concerned about traffic speeds, particularly on Greenways and Church Lane. The police are willing to help set up a speedwatch group to monitor traffic. They will provide equipment and training. Those exceeding 35mph will receive warning letters from the police who will also visit repeat offenders. Details about the Scheme can be found in the Community Speedwatch Booklet below.
Here is a report from the EDP about Community Speedwatch:
If you are willing to help and able to give up an hour at least once a month please get in touch with Vic at email