Friends of Danby Woods

The Eaton Rise Residents Association has set up the Friends of Danby Woods to undertake work at the site. Here is a link to their website: Danby Wood

December 2016 Update – Message from Kathleen Rowlands at ERRA

Dear All,
Matt has given me a work plan to cover us from now until November 2017. We have agreed to hold our next workday on Saturday 21st January between 10am & 2pm. As before if you feel able to help but just want to pop down for a short time during this session you are very welcome.

The work we shall be focusing on is further thinning of the sycamore and tree planting in the glade we have already started work on. Matt will be there with his chainsaw and we will be stacking logs and burning brush. If this all sounds a little too energetic we will need a group to do a litter pick so there will be something for all abilities.

Our last meet was brilliant and we achieved quite a lot so I’m hoping that you are all still keen to be involved. I’d appreciate it if you could let me know (Kathleen Rowlands)  if you intend coming at some point so we know numbers and can sort out hot drinks and refreshments.

Kathleen Rowlands ERRA – Email:

September 2016 Update – Message from Kathleen Rowlands at ERRA

Dear All,
I hope that you have had a fabulous summer and enjoyed the amazing weather we have been blessed with.The Autumn is upon us and at last we can turn our thoughts to working in Danby Wood. I hope that you are all still feeling keen to help. Matt from the Norwich Fringe is putting together a work plan for us which initially will include: the repair / replacement of the steps leading down from Marston Lane into the wood, (these are in need of attention as many of you have pointed out to me), cutting back of Ivy, general thinning and litter picking. Don’t worry there will be something for everyone and all abilities!Our first work session will be held on Saturday 22nd October from 10am. Meeting in the Marston Lane car park. If you are able to come along and help we will be very pleased to see you. Could you please confirm with me so that I know numbers ?
Future work sessions will be a mix of weekdays and Saturdays, so hopefully you will be available for some of these times, I know it’s not easy for those still at work.
I’ll get back to you once I know more re arrangements, equipment etc.Best wishes
KathleenPs. Have you checked out our webpage yet? It went up on our residents association website during the summer and has an interesting mix of history, nature and photographs. If you have any interesting facts / photos or information that you feel would be of interest please do let me know. Janet Higgins from Eaton village has done an amazing plant survey of Danby Wood this summer which has been added to our webpage, it’s a fascinating record so do check it out. Thanks again to Janet it must have taken hours!

An initial walk was held on 10th May 2016 and Kathleen Rowlands from ERRA sent the message below about this. Several volunteers from the EVRA Marston Marsh Volunteer group also attended the walk and are interested in supporting the ERRA.

Thank you to everyone who came along to our walk in the woods with Matt Davies this evening. I was pleased to see around 30 people all of whom showed a genuine passion for the wood. I think you will agree that we all learnt something new about this wonderful woodland site – even Matt! I’m sure we would all like to thank Matt again for his time but also his obvious enthusiasm and passion for Danby Wood and Marston Marshes.

As local residents we all benefit from what Matt and his volunteers have done so far and it’s great to think that we are able to help continue this good work. I’d also like to thank Nigel Cooper for pointing out the lime kiln and telling us about the Eaton Auxiliary Unit Patrol and their operational base in Danby wood during WWII. Nigel has sent me the link to the British Resistance Archive which clearly shows the caves used by the patrol.

Finally as I said during the walk we now have our own Friends of Danby Wood page on the Eaton Rise Residents Association website, I hope you find it of interest. It will be updated regularly with events, information, work dates and photographs so please check it out from time to time. There will also be updates in our newsletter.

Once again may I ask if any of you have a specific interest or skill, be it wild flower studies, fungi, birds, hedging, laying of steps or whatever please let me know. Don’t be shy! I will notify you soon of our first work morning which will probably be during the summer.