This page provides information on Marston Marshes and other local nature sites and also related events organised by EVRA. See also the page for the Marston Marshes Volunteer Group which undertakes work on the marshes to maintain the new easy access path which was sponsored by EVRA and also to undertake other work to maintain the environment of the marshes.
You can also find information on other local nature sites such as the Yare Valley via links to the Yare Valley Society – website:
Norwich Fringe Project
This year the Norwich Fringe Project celebrates 25 years of undertaking conservation work around Norwich. The Project was re-launched in January 2015 with a new website and a drive to recruit more volunteers. Here is a link to the website:
Here is a link to a report in the EDP about the re-launched NFP:
Tree Works on Marston Marsh – January 2015
Contractors working on behalf of the Norwich Fringe Project will start pollarding some willow trees on Marston Marsh next week. See notice from Matt Davies, NFP, about these works: Jan 2015 Tree works notice
Dyke dipping for water mini-beasts
The Dyke Dipping sessions held on 28th May 2014 were a great success with nearly 50 children attending accompanied by their parents/grandparents. The children caught plenty of snails, water boatmen, water scorpions, leeches, and other water nymphs and larvae. Amongst the rarer specimens caught were two diving beetles and two water stick insects. Matt Davies, Paula and Sam from the Norwich Fringe Project led each session and helped the children identify their finds. At the end of the sessions each child selected its favourite mini-beast and said a bit about it. Fortunately the rain held off to the very end and nobody fell in the water!
We are fortunate to have Marston Marshes on our doorstep and it is good that the Norwich Fringe Project is able to support events such as this. Our thanks go to Matt, Paula and Sam for providing a great half-term event for local children.
Here a few photos from the day:
EVRA Achieve Highly Commended at Norwich Eco Awards 2013/14
EVRA submitted an entry for the 2013/14 Norwich Eco Awards for our voluntary work on Marston Marshes. We have a dedicated band of volunteers who undertake conservation work on Marston Marshes to maintain the easy access path and to help keep other areas under control. We want to thank the volunteers for their support which has made this award possible. This work is part of our sustainability obligation under the terms of the grant from the Big Lottery for the path. Please see the Marston Marshes volunteer group page for details of our activities.
The Norwich Eco Awards are held each year and recognise the contribution made by businesses, schools and community organisations to the local environment. We submitted our application under the Community Group category and were awarded a “Highly Commended”. The Awards were presented by the Sheriff of Norwich, Graham Creelman. Here is a link to our certificate and a link to the photo of EVRA receiving their award.
Norwich eco award cert 2013 14 Eco Award EVRA photo
ITV Anglia Report on the work of the Norwich Fringe Project
ITV Anglia recently filmed the Norwich Fringe Project and volunteers working on Marston Marshes. This was the day that we were constructing a fence alongside the ditches to prevent the cattle crossing. We have now received a copy of the report from ITV Anglia which you can play here: Anglia TV Report on Norwich Fringe Project working at Marston Marsh
No New Events but watch this space for future announcements
Previous Events Butterflies, dragonflies and wildflowers Sunday 23rd June 2013 2.00pm to 4.00pm Led by Peter Walton, Bird and Wildlife Tutor A walk to discover the secrets of Marston Marshes and see the diversity of the plants and insects which grow and live there. No need to book just turn up on the day For the above event meet at the Eaton entrance to Marston Marshes on Marston Lane where the golf course crosses Marston Lane. This event has been organised by Eaton Village Residents’ Association in partnership with the Norwich Fringe Project and Norwich City Council. The Big Lottery has funded these events.
Dawn Chorus Walk and Bacon Butties! Sunday 19th May 2013, 6.00am to 8.00am Led by Peter Walton, Bird and Wildlife Tutor Ever wanted to experience the delights of the dawn chorus? Then join us for a morning walk around Marston Marshes to hear the delights of the warbling spring birds to be found there. Dyke dipping for water mini-beasts Wednesday 29th May 2013 – led by Matthew Davies, Norwich Fringe Project Wondering what to do with your children this spring half term? Join us for a family day out on Marston Marshes to search for water mini-beasts. We will be dipping the marshes ditches in search of water scorpions, back swimmers and dragon fly lava. We will provide all the dipping equipment and be running four 1 hour sessions during the course of the day at the following times: 10am to 11am : 11am to 12noon : 12.30pm to 1.30pm : 1.30pm to 2.30pm Bringing Landscape to Life! – Opportunity to be involved in a Research Project led by UEA
New information leaflet on Marston Marshes from Norwich Fringe Project The Norwich Fringe Project have updated the Leaflet on Marston Marshes and a copy can be downloaded from this site. Marston Marsh leaflet Marston Marshes Easy Access Path – Anniversary Walks It is now almost a year since the path was completed and to celebrate its first anniversary there will be a couple of conducted walks round the path led by Matt Davies from the Norwich Fringe Project. They will take place on Saturday 22nd September with the first walk leaving at 11.30am and the second walk at 1.30pm. Each walk will last about an hour and between the walks there will be a barbecue prepared by the local 34th Scout Troop. The walks are free to attend but donations towards the cost of the barbecue will be welcome. More walks are being arranged for next Spring with specialist leaders for different topics. Watch this space! Chairman presented with Norwich eco award certificate for Marston Marshes Easy Access Path On 1st March Gerald Cooke, Chair of the Eaton Village Residents’ Association, was presented with a Norwich eco award certificate by the Sheriff of Norwich. The Awards Ceremony was held in the Council Chamber at City Hall and the Residents’ Association was commended for their work to secure funding and for driving the project forward to enable the Marston Marsh Easy Access Path to become a reality.