Did you know that it is ten years since the accessible path was laid around Marston Marsh? The path and the marsh itself has been much appreciated during lockdowns and very well used during the past year. To celebrate this tenth anniversary we will be holding several events on Wednesday 18th August which will include dyke dipping, a bug search, plant identification, a story teller, and a “get to know the Marsh” trail aimed at children. We are also arranging dusk walks for adults to see moths, bats and stars at the site.
Advance booking is essential for most events as places are limited for safety reasons. Please note that all children must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times during events.
Download the following programme of events for further information on each event and details of how to book:
Our Vice chairman, Vic Flute, will be organising the events and will be pleased to hear from you at: vicechair.evra@gmail.com
Here is a photo quiz about Marston Marsh that you can do when you next visit:
Here is another Quiz about Marston Marsh