Have you heard of the Yare Valley Society? This is a well respected local organisation that serves to protect the Yare Valley from exploitation. You can read more on the YVS website at: Yare Valley Society – Enhancing the Valley for wildlife and informal recreation
The YVS has a significant influence on the open countryside surrounding our Village. The Society urgently needs more active members to help it achieve its aims. Here is a message seeking your support.
The Yare Valley Society – A Message of Alarm from the Committee
The Society has existed for over 50 years and has a long record of action with the objective of the protection and maintenance of the valley as a valued environmental asset. Over the years there have been pressures for development encroaching on and diminishing the character of the valley and, until last year these have been resisted by the local authorities, backed by government, all with the support of the Society. Changes in national planning guidelines and last year’s disastrous decisions show what we have to face. We are now active in monitoring and seeking to mitigate the effect of those decisions, but, while the City council continue to maintain their policy, South Norfolk and the University have clearly demonstrated that the conservation of the valley is not their priority.
The pressures to develop on parts of the valley will continue and, with the river dividing the City and South Norfolk, the Society is the only organisation which looks at the valley as a whole.
The committee are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain an effective approach, still less to widen the activities as we would wish. Retiring committee members have not been replaced despite calls to the membership every year and the present committee are feeling the limitations of advanced years and/or other commitments.
We are approaching a point where unless new and active members join the committee the Society will not be able to function effectively, if at all.
Please treat this seriously and consider whether you can help.