Junction of Church Lane and Bluebell Road

Norwich City Council have recently published a report regarding the Eaton Conservation Area. It notes that the junction of Church Lane and Bluebell Road has messy signage and pavements that are too narrow for pedestrian numbers. Both were set as medium to long term improvements.

Buses and lorries frequently bend the railings opposite the cafe and car drivers are anxious about the right hand turn into Church Lane from Cringleford. This is a blind turn when traffic coming down past the Cellar House wait to turn right into Bluebell Road. There is only one set of traffic filters and one set of pedestrian lights although all traffic is stopped when the pedestrian lights are at green.

EVRA have a report to say that a temporary CCTV camera may be placed at the junction to monitor the situation and action will be taken based on those findings, but we would like to hear how you feel about the situation at the moment. Please answer the new survey in “Your views” and also comment on this post if you would like to make any specific points or add more detail.

Thank you

1 Comment

  1. The only problem i can see is the left turn into Bluebell Road which has resulted in damage to the railings by buses and lorries. The simple solution is to move the traffic lights a few yards back down Bluebell Road, thus enabling larger vehicles to take a wider turn. As for the footpaths not being wide enough for the volume of pedestrians, what nonsense! I have never experienced any difficulty turning right into Chuch Lane or can see any problems with it. The only dangers i have encountered are cyclists who seem to be unaware that a red light applies to them.
    What is also irritating are the number of cars that park on double lines outside Waitrose to shop. Are they stupid or just plain lazy?

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