McCarthy and Stone propose to build assisted living and retirement living accommodation on part of the Bartram Mowers site on Bluebell Road. A public exhibition of their proposals will be held in Eaton on Thursday 24th September 2015 prior to submission of a planning application.
The EVRA Chairman and Vice Chairman met with McCarthy and Stone planners earlier in the year as part of the pre-consultation stage. Although the proposed build is not within the EVRA area we stated our concerns about the impact of the development on traffic on Eaton Street cross-roads during the construction phase and also the increase in traffic on Bluebell Road during and after construction. We know that the Yare Valley Society have concerns about the impact of the development on the Yare Valley environment and we share those concerns.
The following information has been received by post about the consultation and it is assumed that other residents of Eaton will have also received this. So, take the opportunity to visit the exhibition at the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints on Greenways, Eaton, on Thursday 24th September and have your say about the proposals.
Here is a copy of the consultation invitation: Bartram Mowers site consultation Sept 2015