Norfolk Car Club – Car Club Bays on Greenways

At our AGM last week a resident asked when the Car Club cars were going to arrive in Eaton Village. The Car Club bays on Greenways were approved last year – one at the lower end outside of the Church for Latter Day Saints and another between Duverlin and Purtingay Closes.

I emailed the Norfolk Car Club asking for an update and you can read their response below. Currently there is a special offer for people joining the club the details of which are also set out their response.

Car Club Bays in Greenways Norwich

Hi Chris

 Thank you for your e mail.

 Here is a link to the current car club locations and agreed or designated bays…

 The car club is currently completing a phase of expansion (12 additional cars and a van) in Norwich – covering existing areas and new areas.

 We’ve just marked up bays on Pettus Road and Northfields (to the north of Eaton Village) for the next phase of expansion to the west in Norwich.

 Once these locations have launched, we will expand to Eaton Village. We will let you know when we have a launch date.

 In the meantime, if there are Eaton Village residents who work in Norwich and would like to use the fifty car club vehicles in Norwich, we have a £50 offer on at the moment which waives the £25 joining fee and adds £25 driving credit…

 …join online at and use promotional code “Event50”

 If you have any further queries please get in touch.

 Kind regards,

Jade Hocking

Customer Support

Co-wheels Car Club

3a Sunderland Road, Gilesgate, Durham, DH1 2LH

Office: 0191 375 1050
