EVRA 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The EVRA Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at Eaton Golf Club starting at 7.30pm where we will formally conduct the business of the Association including presentation of reports and accounts for 2023/24 and election of the Committee. The Agenda for the AGM will be posted on the EVRA website prior to the meeting and copies will also be available on the night together with other reports and the accounts. Any other business must be notified to the secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting (2nd October 2024).

Elections will be held for the committee to run the Association for the following twelve months. Existing Committee members are eligible to stand for re-election but new members are always welcome. The Association relies on residents volunteering to join the committee and can only provide support to the Eaton community if sufficient people help run this.

Nominations for the Committee should be sent to the Secretary, via the EVRA postbox in Waitrose or 54 Greenways, by 13th October and should be signed by the proposed, proposer and seconder. In the event of there not being enough people nominated to fill the available places on the committee, the annual meeting may decide to accept nominations from the floor.

Committee meetings are held bi-monthly with occasional involvement between times so is not a huge commitment. Our Events Planning Team organise and run our events reporting to the main committee.

We would be pleased to hear from you if you are interested in helping with the work of the Association or joining the Committee or assisting our Events team. Contact Chris Stebbing at: evra.vc@live.co.uk or phone 07798 571914 for further information.