Season’s Greetings

The Committee of the Eaton Village Residents’ Association wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The challenges presented by the Covid pandemic continue into another year and we all need to take care and keep safe as we go about our daily lives. However, we all look forward to 2022 being a better year for us all.

The EVRA Committee has been able to deliver a number of events throughout the year by adapting to comply with guidance. We have ambitious plans for 2022 building on the success of our events this year. It is also a Jubilee Year with many events planned nationally and locally to celebrate the Queen’s 70 year reign. Our Scarecrow Festival will have a Royal theme for 2022 and we hope to make it a bumper year for entries. Details will be posted on our website and in our Newsletters.

The Eaton Village Sign is 65 years old and in need of a major overhaul. Our project to refurbish this has raised just over £2000 towards the £3000 required to repair the sign and replace the post. It would be good to achieve this during the Jubilee Year. Thank you to all those residents and businesses that have supported our project and made donations to date. It is easy to donate and information on how you can help can be found on the EVRA website at:

Our local businesses and organisations have survived by adapting their services during these difficult times but need our continued support to help them see this through. They are at the heart of our community and our custom is essential – it is just a matter of complying with a few rules when visiting which are really quite simple and in place for good reason.

However you celebrate – stay safe.

Chris Stebbing – EVRA Chair

And also Committee Members: Vic, Patricia, Naomi, Kath, Sharon, Carol, Fiona and Bernard

December 2021