The Eaton Village Residents’ Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday 18th October 2023 at Eaton Golf Club, Sunningdale, NR4 6SF, starting at 7.30pm where we will formally conduct the business of the Association. This includes presentation of reports and accounts for 2022/23 and election of the Committee for the following year. The Agenda and reports for the AGM will be posted on the EVRA website prior to the meeting and copies will also be available on the night together with the accounts. These will be posted on the EVRA website at: under the “All About EVRA” menu item.
Are you a resident of Eaton Village and would you like to help run the Association?
Like many community organisations EVRA relies on volunteers to join the committee and help run the association. Our main Committee meets for a couple of hours in an evening, bi-monthly, to discuss local issues and progress our projects with some involvement between times via email so is not a huge commitment.
A new Committee is elected each year and current Committee members are eligible to stand for re-election but new members are always welcome and required. Several current, long-standing, Committee members intend to retire at the AGM, including our Treasurer, so we will have a few posts to fill this year. The EVRA Committee is formed of: Chairman; Vice-Chairman; Secretary; Treasurer and five other members of the association; and can also co-opt up to four additional committee members. Our Events Planning Team, which includes Committee members and other volunteers, reports to the main committee but meets separately to plan, organise and run our events.
Please get in touch if you are interested in helping with the work of the Association by joining the Committee or assisting our Events team. Contact Chris Stebbing – EVRA Chair – at: (phone 503301) for further information about what the EVRA Committee does and how you can help. You can also come along to our AGM on 18th October and volunteer to join the Committee.