Can you help?

Most Eaton Village residents will have received their Spring Newsletter and subscription envelopes by now with the remainder being delivered shortly. We distribute to just under 1500 households and businesses in Eaton and are grateful for the support of our team of volunteers who deliver these. Our recent appeal for volunteers filled vacant delivery slots in our twenty two routes and added to our reserve pool of distributors and we thank all of them for their support.

Our thanks also go Helen and Vic who sorted the newsletters and envelopes into the 22 rounds. The task was somewhat greater this time because a few of the sunflower seed donated by Notcutts were added by Vic to each of the 1500 envelopes for you to plant.

We always need more volunteers to assist with EVRA events and in this Jubilee year we will be busier than in previous years. The EVRA Committee of nine volunteers is quite small with most of us in our 70s but still fairly active! There are probably other things that you would like us to do for the community but we would require your help to organise and run these. Events do not necessarily have to be all about raising funds but can be social occasions or an activity that helps to bring the community together to enjoy the environment in our area.

So, if you have some ideas for community events, and are prepared to help organise these, then Vic would love to hear from you. Vic can be contacted via email at: or phone 457802.

Alternatively, you can contact me at or phone 503301.

Chris Stebbing – EVRA Chair