Greater Norwich Local Plan

Dear Consultee

This email is to update you on the progress of the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP).

The GNLP will go forward for a six week Regulation 19 publication period, which will start at 09.00 on Monday 1 February 2021 and close at 17.00 on Monday 15 March 2021.  No representations will be accepted outside of this period. You can find the proposed submission documents on our website at

The publication period allows for any concerns to be formally raised as a ‘representation’ regarding the soundness or legal compliance of the GNLP. Representations must be received by GNLP by 17.00 on Monday 15 March 2021.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the complete plan and supporting documentation will only be published online in accordance with the latest Government guidance.  We will endeavour to make limited relevant material available where possible, however. 

There are two ways to make comments on this plan:  by submitting them online or in writing.  Ideally, please submit comments online at  However, written responses can also be made on a response form, which can be downloaded from, or requested by phoning 01603 306603 or emailing 

Written representation forms should then be emailed to:

Or sent via post to:

Greater Norwich Local Plan Team

County Hall

Martineau Lane

Norwich NR1 2DH

All representations must be received by 17.00 on Monday 15 March 2021.

The GNLP comprises two key elements:  the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) Strategy which is the planning strategy for growth in Greater Norwich from 2018 to 2038 together with supporting thematic policies; and a GNLP Sites document which contains the policies for sites we propose to allocate for development to help deliver the GNLP.  There are also supporting and evidence base documents available for inspection, including: the Sustainability Appraisal, the Habitats Regulations Assessment, the Equalities Impact Assessment.

As you may be aware, a separate allocation plan is being developed by South Norfolk Council for the village cluster sites in South Norfolk which will come forward in due course.

Mike Burrell

Greater Norwich Planning Policy Team Manager

Tel: 01603 306603